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Show Me New Money

A dominant theme at this year’s annual meeting of college business officers is finding creative sources of capital or revenue that institutions can use to invest -- often by outsourcing existing functions.

Coming Up Short

Loyola University New Orleans becomes the second selective college this summer to announce a major enrollment and budget shortfall. Is it a harbinger of things to come, or just a case of bad enrollment strategy?

If at First You Don't Succeed

Ashford University earns approval from the Western accreditor on its second try, after making a wide range of changes, some of them painful.

A Home for Artifacts

As museums face increased financial pressure, many are asking universities to either strike partnerships with them or even take them over -- moves they hope will stabilize finances.

No Such Thing as ‘Free Tuition’

Oregon will study plan to let students forgo tuition upfront in exchange for a proportion of their wages upon graduation. Critics say it is a bad idea that will never get off the ground.

Appeal or Bust

City College of San Francisco's best hope of staying open is probably to appeal the death sentence from its accreditor, and the college may have longer than people realize to win a reprieve.

Mammoth 2-Year College to Lose Accreditation

City College of San Francisco would be largest institution ever to lose recognition. Appeal and state intervention are likely.

New Presidents or Provosts: Bunker Hill CC, Cedarville U., Claremont School of Theology, Illinois State U., Jamestown CC, Ventura College, Western New Mexico U., Youngstown State U.

William Crocker, vice president of academic quality and success at State College of Florida-Manatee/Sarasota, has been selected as vice president...