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Boards Need the Right Competencies

Most trustees come to the board table with no clue about what to expect. Cathy Trower and Peter Eckel examine the individual competencies they should have to improve how the board governs.

The Unbundling University

U of Maryland University College pursues a strategy of spinning off units into stand-alone companies, seeking financial gain for itself and affordable tuition rates for its students.

Upper Iowa University on Notice

Investigation found that staff members improperly handled financial aid funds and changed student grades.

New Presidents or Provosts: Duke U, Flagler College, Halifax CC, Hastings College, Hollins U, Mercy College (N.Y.), Ohio Northern U, Pomona College, South Piedmont CC, Valdosta State U

Richard A. Carvajal, interim president of Darton State College, in Georgia, has been named president of Valdosta State University, also...

'Walking on Water'

ACE panel participants say presidents need more skills than ever as the world changes around higher education.

What the Working Class Wants

Economists discuss threading the needle between public expectations, student debt and employment outcomes at ACE annual meeting.

The Problem With College Governance? Alumni

Higher education institutions should stop filling their boards with donors and instead recruit unaffiliated people with expertise in the areas they need help in, Ryan Craig and David Friedman argue.

Deep Cuts at Aquinas in Tennessee

About 60 of 76 faculty and staff members will be out of their jobs.