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Selling Off a College

Rider University, once seen as a savior for Westminster Choir College, looks to sell the institution after groups raised their voices against relocation.

Crackdown on For-Profit Law Schools

In the wake of federal criticism of its accreditation standards, the American Bar Association sanctions another for-profit law school.

Considering Mergers in Connecticut

Sacred Heart University lays groundwork to acquire a college primarily awarding two-year nursing degrees.

Drew's Downgrade

Ratings agency dings small university for spending big after a new president took over. As focus shifts to a budget deficit, question becomes whether Drew can cut spending while growing enrollment.

The Plight of the (Fictional) Liberal College President

The Devil and Webster depicts feminist campus leader struggling to deal with escalating student protest over tenure denial she knows (but can’t explain in public) was justified.

The State of Personal Finance, Faculty-Staff Edition

Survey of campus employees finds professors focus on saving for retirement and doubt their financial literacy; administrative staff worry more about the near term.

Spanier Conviction Renews Debate on Penn State Post-Sandusky

Former president of university found guilty of child endangerment. Leader of outside investigation questions whether institution has learned lessons from the scandal.