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Doing Away With Departments

The new chancellor of Southern Illinois University at Carbondale has big plans to eliminate all departments across campus, in the name of “synergy” and cost savings. But many professors question his motives and doubt it’s the right move.

Doctoring an Audit

Two staffers have resigned, days ahead of a report expected to slam the University of California’s Office of the President for interfering in an audit of the institution.

Days of Reckoning

Recent closures make it more likely a trend of private college consolidation has started. Institutions feeling particular pressure are small colleges, those in the Midwest and Roman Catholic institutions located away from Catholic population centers.

Taxing T-shirt Revenue

Senate Republicans’ plan would tax colleges on royalties from licensing income and create regulation for business activity unrelated to core mission.

Another Small Private College Will Close

St. Gregory’s, an Oklahoma institution founded in 1875, will cease operations at the end of the semester.