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Quitting Over Fossil Fuels

McGill professor resigns over university's repeated votes to keep investing in fossil fuels.

Many Nonprofit College Programs Would Fail Gainful Test

Data in a new online tool raise questions about how well public and nonprofit colleges and universities are doing in helping students earn enough to repay their debt.

Hasty Departure for Head of Calif.'s New Online College

After less than a year on the job, Heather Hiles is stepping down as CEO of Calbright College, California's new online-only community college.

Florida Lawmakers Probe 'Foreign Meddling' in Research

Federal officials have been scrutinizing foreign research ties for evidence of inappropriate influence. Now state lawmakers in Florida will do the same, raising concerns about potentially duplicative oversight.

Local Economy Drives Academic Agenda

Saint Peter's administrators believe students benefit when an institution has mutual economic interests with its host city. As a result, the university is aligning its strategic plan with Jersey City.