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Lawyers, Guns and Autonomy

A Montana Supreme Court ruling upholding the regents’ authority to ban firearms on campuses is a victory that nevertheless reinforces the academy’s antidemocratic constitution, Timothy V. Kaufman-Osborn writes.

From 3 Struggling Public Colleges, a New University Emerges

Enrollment declines, state underfunding and structural deficits created a crisis in Vermont’s college system. Rather than close campuses, a statewide hybrid institution aims to cut costs and build long-term legislative backing.

A 'Heavy-Handed' Approach

Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin's involvement in the search process for a new leader of the state's community colleges system troubles state policymakers and higher ed advocates.

State Higher Ed Funding Rose in 2021

Federal stimulus dollars flowing to states kept appropriations strong in the 2021 fiscal year even as enrollment kept declining, a report from the State Higher Education Executive Officers shows.

Political Interference in Higher Ed Is Becoming Endemic

David Wippman and Glenn C. Altschuler write that the pandemic has helped fuel growing government intervention in higher ed.

Shaping the Narrative

South Dakota passes an anti–critical race theory law affecting colleges and universities, while Wisconsin and Florida consider anti-CRT and curricular “transparency” bills.

‘A New Low’ in Attacks on Academic Freedom

Texas lieutenant governor Dan Patrick threatens to end tenure over the teaching of critical race theory, further escalating the ongoing war on the teaching of CRT and other so-called divisive concepts in many states.

Florida Lawmakers Probe 'Foreign Meddling' in Research

Federal officials have been scrutinizing foreign research ties for evidence of inappropriate influence. Now state lawmakers in Florida will do the same, raising concerns about potentially duplicative oversight.