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Accreditors Eye Temple

University is supposed to abide by standards requiring honesty and integrity. But is it in compliance after revealing that its business school lied for years to get higher rankings? U.S. News also seeks more information.

Grand Canyon Succeeds in Second Nonprofit Bid

Grand Canyon, a large, thriving Christian for-profit, will divide in two, with new nonprofit university giving for-profit company 60 percent of tuition in exchange for a broad range of support services.

Feds Plan Accreditation Experimentation

Key Education Department official says innovators in higher ed should not be held back by their accreditors.

An Inside Look at Why Accreditation Works

Describing his service on a voluntary visiting team, Bob Ubell defends regional accreditation as a form of “deliberative democracy” and urges us not to hand it over to a federal education police force.

DeVos Brought Back For-Profit Accreditor Her Own Department Faulted

Before education secretary restored federal recognition to ACICS, report by department staff failed the organization on numerous standards.

Comeback in Compton

After becoming the first public college in California to lose accreditation, Compton College is preparing to stand on its own once again.

Faculty Backlash Over Conn.'s Troubled Consolidation Plan

After the accreditor for the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities system pushed back on plans to consolidate the state's 12 community colleges, some faculty groups are calling for new leadership and more funding.

Signals on the Agenda for Accreditation

As DeVos answers questions from House lawmakers, a key adviser previews her department's approach to regulation of accreditors.