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Roiled Over Rules on Regional Accreditors

A Trump administration proposal would set new rules for who qualifies as a regional accreditor, potentially forcing some oversight bodies to drop hundreds of schools if enacted.

Worries Grow About Outsourcing of College Degrees

Proposal to lift cap on college programs offered through unaccredited entities stirs concerns about giving companies back door to federal student aid.

Overhauling Rules for Higher Ed

The Education Department's proposals for upcoming negotiated rule-making process would narrow the responsibilities of accreditors and modify federal definitions for credit hour and distance education.

DeVos Outlines ‘Rethinking’ of Higher Education

Secretary and Education Department officials today outline plans for looming accreditation reform negotiation, describing focus on credit transfer and credential inflation.

Differing Fates for 2 HBCUs in North Carolina

Bennett College will have to appeal to keep its accreditation, while St. Augustine's was taken off probation. Although the historically black institutions' fates may be different, both struggled under the same pressures.

To Pursue Federal Aid or Not

The Trump administration wants to spur more innovation in higher education. But some question whether pursuing federal student aid is worth it for alternative providers.

Code Switch

A coding boot camp and a liberal arts university share instructors and accreditation to create a new computer science degree, aimed at making graduates of both institutions more employable.

For-Profit College Chain Sues to Keep U.S. Aid

In lawsuit filed against Betsy DeVos, Education Corporation of America argues that it needs major financial restructuring but that campuses will have to close without federal student aid.