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Shift in Priorities for Czech Universities

Observers expect a “market-oriented” approach, focused on the economy.

Fear of Accented English

Students outside the U.S. doubt reliability of instruction in English that is not from native speakers, study finds.

Sex and the International Student

Students coming from outside the country have distinct needs that campus programs designed for their domestic peers don’t typically address, write Sharla Reid and Jill Dunlap.

Rankings Math Questioned

A Hong Kong university is accused of underreporting enrollment numbers to boost its faculty-student ratio and ranking. The university says it is commissioning an independent audit but emphasizes that there are differences in data definitions.

New International Enrollments Decline

Open Doors survey shows declines in new international students starting in fall 2016, after years of growth. This fall universities report an average 7 percent decline in new international students.

Judith Butler on Being Attacked in Brazil

Outside a conference she helped organize, the noted philosopher and gender theorist was burned (as a witch) in effigy. She describes the opposition and the experience of being attacked in this way.

The Evolving Demographics of South Africa’s Professors

Black academics will outnumber white academics within a decade. But progress has been greater at historically black institutions than predominantly white ones.

German University’s Religious Code

U of Hamburg will now let instructors decide whether to ban full-face veils in their classes.