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Gender Equity Targets Missed

Most Dutch universities are missing goals for hiring increased share of female faculty members.

Gender Trouble

A departmental committee told a professor he had to teach Judith Butler in his class in the name of gender balance. He refused. As for Butler, she doesn’t want her work forced on him.

Academic Freedom Goes to Court

The repression of academics in Turkey is worsening, writes Scott McLemee, who describes the growing international protest on behalf of such scholars and how one might join it.

Science Research Jobs, Open Only to Women

Max Planck is latest European institution to embrace hiring strategy that limits certain openings to female candidates.

How Chinese Students Navigate the U.S. University

New book looks at “who changes, how much and into what” with influx of Chinese students into U.S. universities and at the underground learning networks students cultivate.

The Future of Academe in Zimbabwe

Scholars hope for more freedom in post-Robert Mugabe era. Many call for revoking Grace Mugabe’s Ph.D. as a key first step toward ending government intrusions.

When Public Scholarship Is a Crime

American professor in Denmark says she’s being targeted by immigration officials for doing what academics do: sharing her findings with the public.

The Interrogation of a TA

University president apologizes after recording reveals how a graduate student was questioned over use of a video, which offended at least one student, of debate on nontraditional pronouns.