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Global Boom in Private Enrollments

In many countries, public higher education no longer dominates, report finds.

China’s Brain Drain Is Ending

Officials say they are seeing a payoff from their investments in higher education.

Who Gets Shouted Down on Campus?

University of Virginia is latest campus to see disruption of events featuring speakers from Israel.

Canceling Plans for a China Campus

Dutch university calls off ambitious branch campus in China amid both practical objections to the campus plans and principled concerns about academic freedom.

Does Tenure Process Keep Professors Focused on U.S.?

Authors discuss their new book that suggests American higher education -- especially in the social sciences -- is less globally minded than rhetoric might make you think.

A Revolt Over Journal Archives

British universities protest, and publisher drops plan for extra charges for articles more than 20 years old.

Allegations of Erasure

Scholar says a new book on China’s “leftover women” fails to acknowledge her years of research in the area -- and the fact that both authors have corresponded on the topic since 2011.

The Chinese Student Threat?

FBI director Christopher Wray tells Senate panel that American academe is naïve about the intelligence risks posed by Chinese students and scholars. Some worry his testimony risks tarring a big group of students as a security threat.