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Online Exam Cheating Is Up

Study by online proctoring service finds 6.6 percent rate of cheating—up 14 times from before the pandemic.

Western Civ Takes Off in Australia

Despite faculty opposition to the source of funding, students like the programs.

Students Desperately Seek a Way Out of Afghanistan

After nearly eight months of Taliban rule, about 350 students are still stranded at the American University of Afghanistan, unable to get visas out of Kabul, where they fear for their lives.

Russian Universities Expel Antiwar Students

Students are also being rejected by laboratories and being told they will have difficulties defending their theses.

A Verdict, but No Clear Victory, for the China Initiative

Jury finds University of Kansas professor guilty in a China Initiative case, but the federal program’s many critics aren’t persuaded.

Canada Gains European Students

Analysis of data suggests that Brexit is responsible for the transatlantic shift.

Standing Up for Central American Higher Ed

Universities everywhere should fear what comes next in Nicaragua and elsewhere in the region, Tom Hare and Estela Rivero write.

Assessing Science

European efforts struggle with issues of targets and timelines. Some of the organizations involved threaten to leave the process.