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Combating Ukraine’s Brain Drain

Both Ukrainian and international universities have roles to play in building academic collaborations and encouraging Ukrainians to return after the war, Taras Dobko writes.
The Times Higher Education logo, with a red T, purple H and blue E.

The Plight of China’s Gay Scholars

Sociologist who left China for New Zealand calls on Western academics to pay attention to crackdown in his home country.
The Times Higher Education logo, with a red T, purple H and blue E.

Raj Chetty on Inequalities in the U.S.

Students born to the wealthiest families have a nearly 100 percent likelihood of going to college. Those born to the poorest families have about a 30 percent chance.

Indian Institutes of Technology Want Foreign Students

But experts say the IITs will have to change their difficult admissions tests.

U.S. Slips in Global Ranking

U.S. research universities have seen a drop in citation impact and academic reputation as institutions in East Asia and the Middle East have been gaining ground, Phil Baty writes.

Change in Italy

Experts predict that the new government will embolden fascist and sexist university lecturers—but also that it will respect academic freedom.

Brazilian Academics Hopeful About Election

Bolsonaro is likely to be defeated in his re-election bid as president, but his influence will be slow to fade.

Asia Likely to Follow U.S. on Open Access

Move is significant because China, Japan, South Korea and India are among the top 10 research producers.