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Rankings Boycott in Germany

Scholarly groups start effort, and are joined by a university in saying they will no longer participate.

Literature of Chinese Capitalism

On a literary lecture tour in China, Martin Puchner finds much interest in how American authors responded to industrialization in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Universities Hire Rankings Pros

Several Australian institutions dedicate staff positions specifically to working with rankings groups -- and moving up on their lists.

Australian Work Force 'Over Educated'

Nearly half of university graduates are in jobs that don't require their level of postsecondary credential, a study finds.

Social Science Ethics

British scholars, like some of their American counterparts, want oversight that is distinct from that used for biomedical research.

Global Ambitions

NYU reinvents itself as a "global network university," but critics at home question the creation of campuses in nondemocratic countries and the effect of rapid international expansion on programs in Greenwich Village.

Tougher Standards for Would-Be Teachers

Australia's most populous state proposes raising entry standards for teacher education programs, and university leaders aren't happy.

After the Arab Spring

Conference explores the state of higher education and academic freedom in a region undergoing considerable change.