Filter & Sort
A photo illustration of the Israeli and Palestinian flags, with a rather grimy filter.

Against Boycotts and More

New petition seeks to organize academics who oppose boycotts and outside attacks (whether from supporters or critics of Israel) on the tenure candidacies of faculty members.

Discord in France

Government wants academe to work more closely with business. Many academics are dubious.
A photo illustration of the Israeli and Palestinian flags, with a rather grimy filter.

Whose Academic Freedom Is Being Trampled?

Ashley Dawson sees danger in the way presidents -- without consulting professors -- are taking a stand against the boycott of Israeli universities.

Constructive Solutions

Turmoil in the Middle East demonstrates why American higher education should be expanding ties and exchanges with all countries in the region, writes Devorah Lieberman.

A Pan-Arctic Consortium

The University of the Arctic promotes research collaboration, joint educational programs and mobility across a region of increasing geopolitical importance.

Tragedy in Kabul

American U. of Afghanistan mourns a professor and a student affairs officer killed in a Taliban attack.

Brazil’s Home-Grown MOOC

Boosting skills and access are the aims of a new Portuguese-medium platform.

Another Approach

The Middle East Studies Association isn't backing a boycott, and while it regularly raises concerns about academic freedom in Israel, it also draws attention to issues throughout the region and the United States.