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Making It Work for Working-Class Students

We must consider how much study abroad opportunities can enrich the undergraduate experience of the hardworking, not-so-privileged students who attend a regional public institution, writes Paula M. Krebs.

Turkish Academe Under Attack

Turkish scholars describe a growing intolerance for dissent.

Australian Universities Want 'Academic Superheroes'

Study analyzes job ads to show just how much is expected of an aspiring academic.

Invited to England

English universities are making a big push -- controversial to some -- for students from European Union countries.

Rhodes Will Stand

After U of Oxford rejects student demands to remove a statue of Cecil John Rhodes, protesters issue a new set of demands related to racial issues on campus.

The Study Abroad Advantage

Study abroad alumni have better career outcomes, according to two studies assessing the impact of Europe’s Erasmus exchange program.

Shakespeare Scholar, Detained

Why is Britain trying to deport an American who just earned his Ph.D. at U of Birmingham?

Is It Discriminatory to Require Peer Review?

A professor of indigenous ancestry who lost a tenure bid due to a lack of peer-reviewed publications is claiming the university was biased in discounting her "nontraditional" scholarship.