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International Exchange Increasing

Open Doors data show foreign student enrollments are up 5.7 percent and study abroad 1.3 percent. For the first time in more than 10 years, top category of foreign student is undergraduates.

‘Mission-Driven, Market-Smart’

In the face of concerns about market constraints on tuition, liberal arts colleges are starting to promote existing strengths to new groups, including corporate partners.

Hold the Phone

U.S. appeals panel overturns lower court ruling that Tennessee-Knoxville acted legally in firing Seventh-day Adventist employee who declined to monitor emergency help line during her Sabbath.

Study Abroad, Graduate on Time

Should studying off-campus become a new retention strategy?

Cautious Optimism in Cairo

American program administrators in Egypt foresee greater stability, not complications, with election of first Islamist president.

Scaling Up

Four years ago, a business school began requiring its undergraduates to study abroad. How has the policy worked out?

Unlikely Shelter

Unrest in popular study abroad destinations for those seeking to study Arabic and Arab cultures has led more Americans to Beirut.

Back on Track

Study abroad and foreign enrollment rebounded from the impacts of the economic recession and participation in both is higher than ever.