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The Younger International Student

A rapid growth in the number of international students seeking American high school diplomas creates new recruiting opportunities for colleges.

U.K. Crackdown on Visa Fraud

The Home Office revokes the right to host foreign students for 3 universities and 57 private colleges and launches a criminal investigation into widespread English language testing fraud at Educational Testing Service centers.

The International-Friendly Campus

At NAFSA conference, international education administrators and scholars discuss ways to help foreign students feel a greater sense of belonging.

Why They Stay or Leave

In new research being released at international education conference, foreign students identify financial issues as their main sources of dissatisfaction.

Bridge or Back Door?

The continuing growth of pathway programs for international students reflects trends toward for-profit/nonprofit partnerships and raises questions about readiness and rigor.

Chinese Students in the Classroom

New research sheds light on Chinese undergraduate students' challenges in the classroom and the ways in which they respond to and adapt to those challenges.

Integrating International Students

So you have X number of international students on your campus. So what?

Transparency and Agents

At American International Recruitment Council annual conference, members discuss what should be required of universities and their overseas recruitment agents vis-á-vis transparency.