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Will International Students Stay Away?

Four in 10 colleges are seeing drops in applications from international students amid pervasive concerns that the political climate might keep them away.

Teaching and Integrating International Students

Various surveys look at biggest academic challenges international students face and the availability of professional development opportunities for professors teaching in intercultural classrooms.

Challenging Era for International Education

Administrators who promote global agendas for colleges consider the newly politicized nature of their work.

Chinese Students vs. Dalai Lama

Some at UC San Diego object to their university's choice of commencement speaker.

Grad Schools Remain a Global Draw

Report from the Council of Graduate Schools shows international graduate student applications and enrollments continue to grow, but the rate is slower than in recent years.

Judge Blocks Entry Ban, Visas Restored

Judge's ruling cited impact on higher education; some students who were blocked from the U.S. a week ago are returning.

‘Cowardly and Cruel’

Macalester president issues some of the harshest words yet from a higher ed leader on Donald Trump's immigration ban.

Stranded and Stuck

Students and scholars are among those affected by a sweeping executive order banning entry into the U.S. from seven Muslim-majority nations.