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Conversion Experience

As more groups demand that part-time faculty jobs become full-time positions, could Georgia State U. provide a model?

The Heat Is Turned Up

Education Department panel blasts controversial accreditor of liberal education programs, restricting its authority for 6 months.

Torture and Social Scientists

Anthropologists, furious that research may have inspired some Abu Ghraib tactics, vow not to assist in torture.

Does 'Value Added' Add Value?

Listen to some critics of higher education, and you'll hear constant calls for more accountability and assessment. Colleges don't do...

Testing, Testing

While ETSs paper backs national measures of student outcomes, a discussion reveals differences with U.S. commission's approach.

'Engagement' and the Underprepared

By now, it is widely accepted that curricular efforts to "engage" students -- to involve them deeply in the process...

New Model for Scholarly Publishing

Rice killed its press a decade ago. Now it will return -- with all materials online, but with peer review system akin to print operations.

Accountability Proposal Evolves

State college groups flesh out plan for members to make public a "bundle of information" about learning climate and student outcomes.