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'Tuning' College Degrees

In a major new effort to assure rigor and relevance for college degrees at various levels, three states are today...

Competition for Retiree Health Benefits

TIAA-CREF will challenge Emeriti for an increasingly important market as colleges seek incentives to encourage employee retirements.

'The Evolution of American Women's Studies'

Women's studies programs, now common, were rare on campuses just a few generations ago. The evolution of the discipline, and...

How to View the Market

In podcast interview, TIAA-CREF investment guru shares perspectives on the economic mess -- and how it may change (or not change) the strategies of academics at all stages of their careers.

Adjunct Solidarity

Weber State didn't expect anyone outside Utah to notice the plan to cut base pay by 7% for those off the tenure track. Then the letters started to arrive.

Farewell to the Printed Monograph

U. of Michigan Press plans dramatic move in scholarly publishing, shifting to a digital model -- with hopes of being able to increase production of important, non-commercial research.

'The Cattell Controversy'

In 1997, the American Psychological Association announced that it would give a "life achievement" award to Raymond Cattell, to honor...

Style: MLA, Updated.

With implications for how undergraduates write, and cite, Modern Language Association releases revised handbook for preparing research papers.