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Equity, Ethics and Adjuncts

The long strike at York University this year, writes Linda Muzzin, challenges everyone in higher education to consider the treatment of non-tenure-track faculty members.

Staying on the Job

Survey from TIAA-CREF backs anecdotal evidence that economic downturn is leading professors to delay retirement plans.

Blackboard Buys Angel

Purchase of rival that was making inroads in course management systems shakes up the market. Can the industry leader learn from the up-and-comer?

Western Expansion

An emerging student group called Youth for Western Civilization opposes "radical multiculturalism," provoking fury on some campuses where the message is viewed as intolerant.

'Higher Learning, Greater Good'

To many academics, the societal benefits of higher education are more than evident. But many others -- including some influential...

The Part-Time Satisfaction Gap

Study of community college faculty finds that the lack of benefits is seen by adjuncts as a greater problem than low salaries.

'Leave-Proofing' the Faculty

Tenure-track jobs are harder than ever to find, with the economic mess prompting many colleges to grow even more cautious...

You're Nobody 'til You're Snubbed

What started as one professor’s spat with an esteemed medical journal has transformed into something of a branding opportunity for...