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Pumping the E-Brakes

Daytona State reins in a plan to push students and faculty toward electronic textbooks.

Hip-Hop Culture and Students

Author argues that impact on campus life is significant -- and educators should know more about it.

Winning Football, Falling Grades

GPAs of male students drop when teams have more on-field success, study finds; partying the likely cause.

Tenure Conversion

A community college in Michigan will grant tenure or tenure-track status to all full-time faculty, bucking the adjunctification trend in higher ed.

Culture Gap

Iowa professor's critique of small town life in his adopted state reflects tensions many faculty members overcome as they take jobs in places they never imagined would be home.

Another November Setback

Tom Emmer, who lost race for governor in Minnesota last year, loses shot at teaching spot at Hamline University, too. The reason, he says: his conservative views.

Reload and Fight

In case that critics say shows a harassment policy out of control, U. of Denver professor plans to teach the same course that got him suspended.

Dissertation? I Barely Know Her!

Satirical blogs explore whether a Hollywood sex symbol can make academic pick-up lines seem smooth.