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He and She

Stanford project finds that too much research ignores gender, to detriment of women and (in some cases) men.

Grading Clout?

A Florida State marketing instructor is drawing heat for grading students based on their Klout scores, a metric meant to measure online influence.

U. of Missouri Press Survives

University administrators, following intense campaign and much criticism from faculty members, reverse decision.

Indecision 2012

Two political scientists are publishing a study of the presidential election -- as it's happening. Scott McLemee looks at the work-in-progress.

Hurricane Humor and Poli Sci

New Orleans colleges shut down, but government professors trade quips and tips as they ponder an annual meeting right after Isaac is due to leave town.

World Literature in Istanbul

Martin Puchner reflects on a summer school of lessons from Goethe, Pamuk and others.

To Boycott or Not?

Political scientists consider positions they are taking on gay rights by attending or staying away from their discipline's largest gathering.

'Getting to Graduation'

A new book of essays takes stock of where "completion agenda" stands. The volume's editors talk about key lessons from the still nascent college completion push.