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Got Milk?

An American U. professor set off a debate over breast-feeding in class. Not everyone agrees on that issue, but most experts say colleges should make it easy for breast-feeding employees to pump. Are institutions doing their part?

Wheelchair Citizenship

There's more to the American past than able-bodied pioneers. Scott McLemee reads A Disability History of the United States.

The Virginia Effect

In rally to support outgoing UNC-Chapel Hill chancellor, reflections of U.Va. controversy and lessons about the limitations of that kind of faculty support.

A Call to Serve

The tragedy in Libya illustrates why American students need to be inspired to study the region and to serve their country with their knowledge, writes James I. Gadsden.

Newly Tenured ... at Frostburg State, U. of Texas at San Antonio

The following individuals have recently been awarded tenure by their colleges and universities: Frostburg State University Erica Kennedy, psychology Minerva...

A Modest Bump

Modern Language Association numbers show that job opportunities are growing slowly in English and foreign languages.

You Got ID?

With the election approaching, colleges in states with strict voter ID laws are doing what they can to get students the information they need.

Not So Fast on 'Open Access'

Arguing that the issues are different in science and humanities publishing, history association urges caution on movement to make journal access free.