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Voting Rights for Adjuncts

U. of Missouri at Columbia considers becoming the latest institution where shared governance includes those off the tenure track.

Minding the Store

Southern New Hampshire U. looks to combat high textbook prices by negotiating with bookstore vendors, not content publishers.

Content Discovery Demystified

What's your preferred way of finding a paper in your field? Scott McLemee looks at a report on the available options.

So Close Yet So Far

At one community college, the national health-care law would have assured adjuncts access to health insurance, but the institution is cutting their hours to avoid the requirement.

Rethinking Fracking Research

SUNY Buffalo ends center that was accused of failing to disclose the corporate ties of its scholars.

A White House Departure

Zakiya Smith, who helped guide higher ed policy for President Obama, leaves for a think tank. College officials will miss her.

Another Push on Prior Learning

A Catholic college ramps up its prior-learning assessment, with a high-touch approach and an eye toward granting credit for MOOCs.

Can a Professor Require Civility?

Vow to cut grades by 10 percent for inappropriate classroom behavior sets off a debate about rights of students and faculty members.