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Another Liberal Arts Critic

North Carolina governor becomes the latest Republican to question the value of liberal arts, push more vocational training and target the state's flagship.

Spandex Studies

A monograph on superhero comics and nationalism puts Captain America in a geopolitical context. Scott McLemee reports from his fortress of solitude.

The Union-Agnostic Adjunct Agenda

While some see collective bargaining as a key for those off the tenure track, others develop strategies for states that are hostile to unions or ban them at public institutions.

Digital Pink Slips

Sliding enrollments at for-profit colleges mean less work for adjuncts who teach online. And these faculty cutbacks happen quietly, and sometimes without much warning.

Class Size Matters

Clear evidence shows an impact on teaching methods and the learning experience, write Stephen L. Benton and William H. Pallett.

Status Quo at NLRB

With two high-profile higher education cases under consideration, labor board says it will carry on as usual despite an appeals court's ruling that calls into question the legitimacy of its appointees.

We Need More Than STEM

President Obama and other politicians shouldn't embrace science and technology by neglecting history and other fields, writes Kenneth Pomeranz.

The New Intelligence

Knewton says its data-rich system can read students' minds. The company has landed Arizona State and Pearson as partners -- will the rest of higher education follow?