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Cardinal Questions

Can believers and unbelievers find fellowship? Scott McLemee looks at the 21st-century dialogue between faith and reason.

Dangerous and Possibly Anonymous

Educators begin to think about how to deal with hate speech, threats and talk of suicide in massive open online courses.

Rise of Customized Learning

Western Governors U. and others continue to expand competency-based education amid excitement (and confusion) about President Obama's praise of the approach.

Newly Tenured ... at Albright, Bowdoin, Denison, U. of Hartford, Williams

The following individuals have recently been awarded tenure by their colleges and universities: Albright College Kate Lehman, English Bowdoin College...

Learning How to Teach

Massive open online courses prompt some faculty to take a fresh look at their approaches in the classroom.

Change From Within

Higher education's most powerful association throws its weight behind "disruptions" to the industry. Can the establishment help lead the revolution?

Evolving History Dissertations

Study looks at how the titles have changed, and suggests shifts in research interests of those entering the profession.

Rights Reserved

To lessen the impact of rising textbook costs, three institutions have created programs that allow students to borrow course materials.