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The Silence of Florida’s Presidents

Inside Higher Ed asked 40 public college presidents in Florida to weigh in on state higher education reforms. None were willing to speak, even when offered anonymity.

Michigan Grad Workers Strike

University of Michigan requests injunction to stop the strike by graduate student workers, who are asking for a 60 percent raise in minimum salaries and improvements in benefits for transgender, international and parenting members.

The Fragile Future of Artistic Expression on Campus

Campus art museum directors and curators are reporting rising concerns about potential repercussions for displaying controversial artworks, Amy Werbel writes.

The Promise of Pedagogical Play

It can be valuable for not only children but also grown-ups, write Niya Bond and Todd Zakrajsek, and in fact should be a priority for academics’ professional development.

Documenting the Growing Role of Contingent Faculty

A new report shows the number of nonmedical graduate student workers has increased faster than part- or full-time faculty over the past two decades. It’s among the data now available online in what’s planned to be a regularly updated information resource.

What We Lose When We Lose Languages

In cutting languages, colleges undercut commitments to social justice and to translation, in the broadest possible sense, Jessica Blum-Sorensen writes.

After Yearlong Wait, Bates Unionization Vote Fails

After over a year of waiting for the results of a union election that would have brought together non-tenure-track faculty and staff, union organizers heard the outcome. They lost.

Centering Students in the Diversity Statement Debate

With diversity statements under fire, the right response isn’t to give up on addressing equity goals through hiring: it’s to improve what we’re asking of candidates, Justin P. McBrayer and Sarah Roberts-Cady write.