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Kanter Joins the Exodus

The U.S. under secretary of education, the latest high-ranking Education Department official to leave, plans a return to academe.

Another View on Communication Scholarship

Nancy Kidd and Trevor Parry-Giles respond to a recent critique of the discipline.

Ceiling or Incentive?

Would legislating a limit on faculty overtime result in more professors reaching the limit -- and reducing spots for adjuncts? California faculty groups square off over the question.

‘Majoring in a Professor’

Students select or reject majors based in large part on the quality of the first college instructor they have in the discipline, new research finds.

'Zombies in the Academy'

Editors of new book discuss the zombie apocalypse in higher education.

Merit Furloughs

Nevada faculty members want to know why the state is restoring bonus pay for some while requiring all professors to take 6 days of unpaid leave a year.

Competency-Based Transcripts

Northern Arizona University rolls out competency-based degrees, which will come with a new form of transcripts.

The J-School Bubble

New study shows that journalism educators value the degrees their programs produce. Journalists? Not so much.