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Freedom Creep

New books on academic freedom and free speech argue that the most serious threats to academic freedom and free speech are coming from within higher education.

Confusion on Competency

Audit critical of the Education Department's review process for alternative to the credit hour raises questions about direction of federal policy and could discourage some colleges.

Newly Tenured ... at Elizabethtown, U. of Minnesota Crookston

The following individuals have recently been awarded tenure by their colleges and universities: Elizabethtown College Justin Badgerow, music David Bowne...

Ministers, Not M.B.A.s

Graduate education in the humanities may need reform -- but the changes cannot treat the PhD as a high-end professional credential, writes Johann Neem.

Ranking and Networking

LinkedIn gets into college rankings with an employment outcomes tool based on big samples and plenty of specifics about real people.

Double Standard at Illinois

The university says it was worried about the impact Steven Salaita might have on some students because of his criticism of Israel. But did officials apply that test when examining professor who espoused anti-gay views?

Resignations or Terminations?

Most of the faculty at General Theological Seminary is out. But whether they resigned or were fired depends on who you ask.

Corruption, Continued

Zephyr Teachout's book may become a manifesto for reformers -- but not so fast... Scott McLemee takes a second look.