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Berkeley Chancellor Blocks Bill Maher From Being Blocked

Student group that invites commencement speakers votes to rescind invitation to controversial comedian, but chancellor vetoes their move, citing the importance of free speech.

Gainful Employment Arrives

The Education Department releases its long-awaited gainful employment rules, making one key change and drawing complaints from both for-profits and their critics.

The Emotional Costs of Student Success

Andrew Joseph Pegoda wonders about the unintended messages and pressure created by the current emphasis at many colleges.

More Athletes Get to Finish Line

The NCAA's Graduation Success Rate for college athletes is at an all-time high, but critics continue to question its definition of success.

Tintinnabulation, Nevermore!

He's a canonical figure in American literature, but Edgar Allan Poe's verse has always had its detractors. Scott McLemee considers a quaint and curious volume in his defense.

Online Ed Skepticism and Self-Sufficiency: Survey of Faculty Views on Technology

The massive open online course craze may have subsided, but the debate about the role of online courses in higher...

A Model Emerges

Adjuncts at Tufts say their first union contract, which includes significant pay and job security gains and a right to be interviewed for full-time positions, could be a model for new unions in negotiations elsewhere.

Big Ten and the Next Big Thing

Michigan, Purdue and the Wisconsin System give competency-based education a try, but carefully and with targeted new programs.