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The Case for Student Shields

Unusual sexual harassment lawsuit at Northwestern U., in which a professor is suing a former graduate student who accused him of assault, has sparked debate about student indemnification policies.

Pressed for Time

Our devices grow ever more efficient, yet our lives only more harried. Scott McLemee reviews a book on the paradox of digital temporality.

Open, but Undiscovered

Faculty members are generally satisfied with quality of open educational resources, according to a new report, even though most instructors still aren't aware of OER.

'UnKoch My Campus'

Student groups around the country, led by Florida State University students, protest corporate money and influence in academics, with a focus on the Koch brothers.

PubPeer Pressure

Cancer researcher says anonymous online comments on a research-sharing website cost him a new job at U. of Mississippi.

Costume Fail

Costume company's idea of a female Ph.D. derided as sexist and foolish by real female Ph.D.s.

Is BDS Anti-Semitic?

In the new book The Case Against Academic Boycotts of Israel, a key theme is the relationship between anti-Semitism and the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement.

First Amendment Rights for Adjuncts

Appeals court sides with adjunct who says she was fired for speaking out against part-time faculty working conditions.