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Intellectual Connections

Association of American Colleges and Universities highlights integrative liberal learning at annual meeting. But what is it?

'Finding Common Cause'

New book argues that benefits of fostering better relationships between academics and policy makers in international affairs are underestimated.

Immunization Conflagration

The controversy over vaccination only seems like a recent development. Scott McLemee considers a historian's account.

Inclusive Dialogues

A student group at a women's college has retired its annual production of The Vagina Monologues in favor of a production that will be more inclusive of transgender students.

GED Drop

Fewer people earned a GED last year, following the introduction of a new version of the exam. Should the lower numbers cause concern?

Well-Prepared in Their Own Eyes

Survey finds that college students think they are being well-prepared with the skills and qualities needed for careers. Employers are dubious.

Newly Tenured ... at Assumption, Hofstra, Lander, Regent

The following individuals have recently been awarded tenure by their colleges and universities: Assumption College Alison Cares, sociology Christian Göbel...

Community College Liberal Arts

While advocates for the humanities and some social sciences worry about enrollment patterns at many colleges, they may have missed good news from two-year institutions.