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Follow the Money

A Berkeley analysis of disparities by race and gender in faculty salaries raises key questions: Which gaps matter? Why do gaps vary? What can be done to eliminate them?

Cautions on E-books

Daniel Goldstein warns that some of the contracts colleges are accepting may limit access in key ways.

Firing a Faculty Blogger

Marquette moves to dismiss controversial tenured professor who on his blog criticized a graduate student by name.

Dangers of Art (Students)

After bomb squad in Atlanta blew up a camera that was part of an art project, professors discuss how to teach students to balance creativity with responsibility.

The STEM Pipeline

"The STEM Pipeline" is a free compilation of articles and essays -- in print-on-demand format -- exploring different strategies used...

Endangering a Trust

If a student tells a faculty member about a sexual assault that the student doesn't want to report, should the professor file a report anyway? More colleges are requiring it, and not everyone agrees the policies are wise.

The Big Ten

After hundreds of columns in the course of the past decade, Intellectual Affairs takes stock. Scott McLemee wonders whatever became of Ivan Tribble.

Warrior and Scholar

Two-week boot camp to help veterans make the transition to college is spreading at selective institutions.