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Negotiating Balance

Can work-life balance provisions be successfully integrated into faculty collective bargaining agreements?

Shifts in Computer Science Interest

Lesser math confidence and a stronger preference for artistic fields dissuade women from majoring in computer science to a smaller degree today than in the past, analysis of student interest in computer science shows.

Contracts Up Close

Academic labor conference panel discussion focuses on contract provisions for adjuncts that go beyond better pay. Data suggest larger gains for part-timers in bargaining units that are separate from full-time faculty.

A Piece of the Online Pie

Academic Partnerships will push for synchronous content in an upcoming platform update, offering instructors who participate a share of the revenue.

Which Groups Are Favored?

In hiring of tenure-track STEM instructors, female, black and Latino academics have an edge, while Asians are at a disadvantage. But the picture for tenure is more nuanced -- and women with young children lose out.

A Complete Education

Joseph E. Aoun writes that it's time to stop trying to divide the curriculum into the liberal arts and practical training.

Professor Manager

Ohio budget bill proposes a ban on full-time-faculty unions at public institutions where professors do nearly anything beyond teaching and research.

Regulating Job Placement

Education Department turns up heat on for-profits with job-placement-rate scrutiny, three months before gainful-employment rules kick in. But lack of federal standards for placement rates causes confusion.