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'The Censor's Hand'

Author discusses his new book seeking the abolition of institutional review boards.

Science, Not Sexism

AAAS pulls advice column telling a female postdoc to ignore her adviser's attempts to look down her shirt, amid outcry from scientists.

Lingua Not So Franca

While English is on the rise as language of instruction worldwide, experts consider whether it is as universal as some say -- and whether its expansion has downsides.

Social Sciences Produce Leaders

New global survey of those in positions of influence finds that 44 percent have a degree in social sciences. Another 11 percent studied humanities.

CAEPed Crusader Ousted

Without explanation, accreditor of teacher training programs forces out its founding leader amid criticism from colleges and unions.

Early Adapters

Recent adaptive learning entrants seek to put faculty members in charge of "personalized" content, but will the tools go beyond pilot projects?

Rethinking Poli-Sci

After seeing its majors drop, Stanford's political science department overhauls the undergraduate major, focusing less on specialization and more on issues students care about. Could other departments be next?


The class biases of those hiring for the highest-paid entry-level jobs ensure that those jobs go to graduates of elite colleges from affluent backgrounds, a new book argues.