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A photo illustration including photos of Indiana's Statehouse, state senator Spencer Deery and a page of Senate Bill 202.

Indiana Bill Threatens Faculty Members Who Don’t Provide ‘Intellectual Diversity’

One critic says a bill passed by the state Senate would mandate “a system of surveillance and political scrutiny.”

A close-up image of a dictionary entry for "Islamophobia."

The War on Terror Never Ended

The current assault on academic freedom operates through anti-Muslim racism, Mariam Durrani and Sarah Ghabrial write.

California State Union Approves Tentative Deal, Despite Dissent

Members of the union representing roughly 29,000 California State University faculty members, librarians and others have approved the tentative agreement...
A photo illustration of the Israeli and Palestinian flags overlaid over snippets of a few statements from scholarly associations.

Scholarly Groups Choose Between Speech and Silence on War

In the continuing debate over when, and how, higher education entities should comment on political issues like the Israel-Hamas war, disciplinary associations have received less attention. 

U of Colorado Settles Professor’s Retaliation Suit

The University of Colorado at Boulder has settled a discrimination and retaliation lawsuit that one of its law professors filed...
The typed words "Union Power" sit, collage-style, atop a pile of $100 bills.

Pro-Union Is Pro-Student

Improving working conditions for non-tenure-track faculty is what’s best for students, Anna Harrison writes.

AAUP Starting Center for the Defense of Academic Freedom

The American Association of University Professors is starting what it is calling a Center for the Defense of Academic Freedom...
A photo illustration including a photo of Richard Brunson and campuses where he worked.

Professor Resigned After Sexual Harassment Inquiry—and Got More Work

An orchestra conductor left the Universities of Wisconsin in 2022 after an investigation into accusations that he forcibly kissed a student. Goshen College fired him Monday, saying it didn’t know.