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Reflect on Your Positionality to Ensure Student Success

Christine Harrington explores how faculty can and should closely examine their experiences, beliefs and potential biases so they can understand how they impact student learning.

Gender Identity Norms Shift, and Institutions Move to Reflect Them

Institutions are tweaking campus information systems to make them better reflect students’ gender identities but are finding the technology to do so challenging.

A (Temporary) Win for Academic Freedom

Judge mostly sides with University of Florida faculty members in a free speech case that cast doubt on UF’s political independence from Tallahassee.

Expanded Options for Some Foreign Students

The Biden administration has taken steps to make the U.S. more attractive to international talent, including expanding eligibility for some foreign STEM students to participate in a popular postgraduation work program.

No Love Lost

Jordan Peterson is retiring from the University of Toronto, citing his “persona non grata” status—and academe’s “craven” embrace of diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives.

No Satisfaction on Student Ratings of Instruction

Students’ happiness with their grade, not instructional quality, is a major driver of the correlation between high grades and high student ratings of instruction, according to a new working paper. Interventions don’t quite work, either.

New Programs: Nursing, Supply Chain Management, Natural Resources, Public Health, Marketing

Berkeley College is starting a master of science in nursing. Caldwell University is starting a bachelor of science in supply...

HyFlex Is Not the Future of Learning

Instead, it’s the black mirror of higher ed, argues Christopher Schaberg—a teaching method in which both instructors and students lose something.