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‘Tarred Healing’

Was what happened to a scrapped photo exhibition on Black communities at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill about creative differences or censorship?

Return of $5 Million Gift Spurs Academic Freedom Debate

The University of Washington returned the money donated for the Israel studies program after the scholar who led the program signed a letter that criticized Israel.

WPI Faculty Blast Outgoing President

Two letters from faculty groups to the Board of Trustees emphasize the need for transparency in the presidential search process. One charges the outgoing president with eroding shared governance and ignoring faculty concerns.

From Bad to Worse

Survey on adjunct faculty working conditions finds that COVID-19 made an already bad situation more dire.

Goodbye Red Scare, Hello Ed Scare

Colleges must mobilize now against legislation to censor curricula and ideas, Jonathan Friedman writes.

Lessons From the Struggle Against the Old McCarthyism

Benjamin Mitchell-Yellin looks to the past to better understand the alarming present-day rise in attacks on what can and can’t be taught.

Newly Tenured… at Colorado College, Ithaca College, Linfield, Presbyterian

Colorado College Anthony Bull, human biology and kinesiology Janet Burge, mathematics and computer science Nadia Guessous, feminist and gender studies...

A New Take on Gender and Productivity During COVID-19

Anecdotal and other empirical evidence says women are publishing less than men over all during the pandemic. This study found otherwise.