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Tenure Awarded… at Hudson County CC, U of San Francisco

Hudson County Community College, in New Jersey Bernard Adamitey, mathematics Mohammad Qasem, STEM Gilda Reyes, modern languages, speech and communications...

Learning From Rejection

Owen D. V. Sholes shares the insights he gained through the many vicissitudes of trying to get his book published.

Classroom 911

A professor called campus police on two students who arrived late to class, prompting discussions about better ways to handle classroom disruptions.

New Programs: Accounting, Nursing, Public Policy, Artificial Intelligence, Climate Studies

Bemidji State University is starting a certificate in accounting. Hartwick College is starting a master’s in nursing education and a...

‘Going Public’ With the Humanities in a Fake News World

Maureen E. Ruprecht Fadem writes of the assault on the humanities, the battle in and outside the classroom with false knowledges, and the imperative to engage publicly with well-researched truths.

Where DEI Work Is Faculty Work

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will soon require diversity-contribution statements from all faculty members for tenure and promotion.

Politics, Religion and Inviting Disaster

Scott McLemee discusses Matthew Rose’s A World After Liberalism: Philosophers of the Radical Right with the author.

Passed Over for Being a Woman

Twenty-eight percent of academic women surveyed by Gallup say they’ve been passed over for promotion or advancement opportunities due to their gender. That’s a bigger share than female workers in the U.S. in general.