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Yale Law Once Again in Conservative Crosshairs

Lingering free speech concerns from past events at Yale Law School prompt a conservative judge to call for his colleagues to avoid hiring graduates as clerks.

Good Deal?

Florida International University’s president is returning to campus as a professor—to the tune of $377K per year—after a sexual harassment scandal.

Museum Matters

Scott McLemee reviews Daniel H. Weiss’s Why the Museum Matters.

Ph.D.s Conferred Drop 5.4%

Preliminary data from the NSF indicate that COVID-19 hit Ph.D. production hard in 2021, but job-placement data are surprisingly rosy—just not in academe.

How COVID Spurred Digital Innovation and Empathy

In the early pandemic, educators rallied to provide academic continuity in unprecedented ways. That spurred online teaching innovations, many of which are worth preserving and enhancing, a Stanford self-study says.

‘Did I Insult Them?’

A chemistry instructor at the University of California, San Diego, interrupted class last week to malign “Mexican” campus workers. He’s now suspended for the term, but this hasn’t satisfied everyone—if anyone.

Oil Money Undermines Academic Autonomy

Universities should ban fossil fuel industry funding for research on climate change and energy, Jake Lowe and Connor Chung write.

Should Professors Need a License to Teach?

Susan N. Kahn calls for higher standards for entry into college and university teaching.