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Mispricing Tuition

Charging history or English majors lower tuition in line with lower labor costs could attract back students who have been abandoning the humanities, Fidel J. Tavárez writes.

What Students Must Know About Scientific Expertise

We can do more to help those across the political spectrum understand how to apportion their trust in science and be less vulnerable to partisan denialism, says Michael Schwalbe.

Affirming LGBTQ Rights—at a Cost

Eastern University says it will now hire LGBTQ employees, risking its membership in prominent group for Christian colleges.

Disruptions Ahead

Some 48,000 graduate student workers, postdocs and researchers across the U of California are striking for a major pay increase. The pressure is on.

Misunderstanding Wikipedia

The online encyclopedia remains deeply problematic as a higher education tool.

Rethinking the Optional Attendance Policy

We must reconsider optional attendance policies not least for the sake of students’ physical and mental health, Eric Skipper writes.

Setting the Record Straight on Abortion and Maternal Health

Journal says it’s investigating a paper attacking a major study on abortion and women’s health, but does oversight come too late?

For Frictionless Syllabus Access, Some Professors Bypass the College

Some professors provide students with barrier-free access to course information and materials, even when doing so requires extra work and leaves them feeling vulnerable.