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Outsourced in Michigan

Michigan colleges are assigning the hiring and payment of adjuncts to a third-party company. Administrators say it's a win-win, but adjunct advocates say it's a worrisome trend.

Sending a Message

AAUP censures Northeastern Illinois for alleged violation of former professor's academic freedom in tenure denial. Draft of new policy questions ties to Confucius Institutes.

Church and Tenure

Kentucky Supreme Court rulings strengthen the rights of faculty members at religious institutions.

The New Post-Tenure Review

One college is trying to make it collegial; others are trying to target low performers. Is there a way to make the process meaningful, fair and attractive to faculty?

Of Motherhood and Tenure

Former University of Pennsylvania history professor asserts in a lawsuit that she was denied tenure because she took time off to care for her children.

Tenure Malpractice?

Medical faculty at U. Texas campus oppose uptick in presidential tenure renewal 'vetoes.'

Who Gets to Decide?

Divided federal appeals court backs Miami U. in tenure dispute that related in part to a chair's rejection of external reviewers from historically black colleges.

Tenure as Citizenship

In the current system, tenured professors essentially report to no one, adjuncts are like migrant workers, and administrators have little actual power, Josh Wymore argues.