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Not an Isolated Incident

Recent controversy over email from Duke professor about Chinese students speaking Chinese in lounges reflects larger tensions in academe, experts say.

What I Learned From a Teaching Award

Thomas Hallock describes four insights he gained as both a recipient and a judge.

Too Taboo for Class?

Professor is suspended for using the N-word in class. He was discussing language in a James Baldwin essay. Given the slur's potential to throw learning off course, is it ever worth using in the classroom -- if it ever was?

By Any Other Name

Liberal education advocates discuss ways to "reclaim" conversations about academe -- in part by not using the term "liberal arts."

Disappearing Language Offerings

Study documents decline in languages offered for instruction at American colleges over three-year period.

The 2019 Inside Higher Ed Survey of Chief Academic Officers

Nearly half (46 percent) of provosts of American colleges and universities report that at least one faculty member at their...

Student-Centered Learning and Student Buy-In

Study finds that student resistance to curriculum innovation decreases over time as it becomes the institutional norm, and that students increasingly link active learning to their learning gains over time.

B.O. No

Professor's email at U of Houston about body odor, referencing some cultures, raises concerns about how to broach this delicate topic, if at all.