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As classes move online, some colleges are choosing to go pass/fail to relieve student stress. Is that the right move?

Keep Calm and Keep Teaching

Shifting unexpectedly to remote instruction requires as many human solutions as technology solutions, Jody Greene writes.

‘As Human as Possible’

Suddenly trying to teach humanities courses online? Mind your presence, ask good questions and manage expectations, experts say.

The New Accessibility: Students With Disabilities and Access to Technology

"The New Accessibility: Students With Disabilities and Access to Technology" is Inside Higher Ed's latest compilation of incisive and practical...

In Defense of the ‘Impostor’ Learning Community

An unhappy reader says a recent column cast aspersions on cash-starved colleges trying to do the right thing. Plus: We seek your advice on how we should cover teaching and learning during corona frenzy.

Prepare to Move Online (in a Hurry)

Disaster and continuity planning for coronavirus now will prepare your campus for possible closure in the case of a local outbreak, Nathan Greeno writes.

When Is a Learning Community Not a Learning Community?

A leading educator asserts that some colleges use the “high-impact” educational practices in name only -- and a group of learning community advocates largely agrees. What's their plan?

Ensuring Instructional Continuity in a Potential Pandemic

Could your campus continue to educate its students if a health crisis forced you to shut down for weeks? Shawn M. Krahmer, Ginette McManus and Rajneesh Sharma explain the steps they've taken.