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Discomfort Is Still Legal

Journalists and scholars regularly mischaracterize legislation against critical race theory, wrongly implying that discomfort-creating lessons are illegal, Peter Minowitz writes.

New Programs: Quantum Science, Engineering, Integrative Professional Studies, Data Science

Harvard University is starting a Ph.D. in quantum science and engineering. Indiana Wesleyan University is starting bachelor’s programs in civil...

Dialogue, Not Debate

To create a productive climate for hard campus conversations, consider shifting the focus from debate to dialogue, Megan Halteman Zwart writes.

What I’ve Learned From Ungrading

Robert Talbert shares the results of his experiment over the past semester with this approach to assessing and reporting on student learning.

Foreign-Born Faculty May Bring Different Expectations

Immigrant engineering faculty may face challenges in navigating American classroom cultures and the societal context for diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives, Mariappan Jawaharlal writes.

Creating a Friendlier Syllabus

Course syllabi set the tone for the whole semester. With the help of a new tool kit, some instructors are overhauling theirs to make them more welcoming, inclusive and focused on student success.

Remediation Is Not the Enemy

John Schlueter writes that emphases on corequisite reform risk depriving vulnerable students of the learning opportunities that developmental education can provide.

Grade Inflation Deserves an A

As an instructor, Candy Lee asks, if a student, working diligently, hasn’t managed to grasp a subject, whose fault is it—theirs or mine?