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Spoiled Children

The more financial support parents provide for college costs, the lower their children's grades, national study finds.

Better Than We Think

Research from University of Washington shows professors to be self-critical about and constantly struggling to improve their teaching.

Paying for Proof

Coursera unveils fee-based, verified courses, which could generate revenue for the company and its university partners.

Why Students Gripe About Grades

Professors can change attitudes, but only by thinking about educational values, and not just grading policies, writes Cathy Davidson.

Educator or Historian?

American Historical Association highlights lack of pedagogical preparation in Ph.D. programs.

Promise and Pitfalls in Online Ed

A stalwart of humanities and an online learning pioneer -- Catharine Stimpson and Ann Kirschner -- debate the pros and cons of technology-enabled higher education.

Attendance Not Required

Michael Bugeja wants his students to come to class, but he has unusual rules to encourage them to do so.

Digital Badging for Veterans

New website creates digital badges for veterans, aiming to recognize military skills and training. Will it be the first badging experiment to catch on?