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Time to Change the Rules?

Congress starts getting specific about higher education policy changes, with calls for deregulation and the expansion of competency-based education.

Still in Favor of the Flip

Despite a seemingly critical new study, the debate about flipping the classroom still tends to favor those in support.

Professional Development, at Fenway

Wick Sloane teaches community college students to write essays to transfer to universities. To set an example of "show, don't tell," he surveys the scene at a World Series game.

Don't Call It a Course

Freed from the confines of classrooms, lectures and semesters, online education providers are increasingly using the term "learning experience."

Staying Relevant

At a conference on sustainable scholarship, faculty members, librarians and publishers take turns to explain why their positions won't be rendered obsolete by technology.

A Call for Mandatory Math

An Australian report says the disappearance of prerequisites in science and mathematics fields has many students entering universities unprepared, and urges they be reintroduced.

A Faustian Bargain?

William G. Durden considers why adaptive- and competency-based learning are attracting so much attention, and worries about their impact on traditional-age students.

Texting in Class

More than 90 percent of students admit to using their digital devices for non-class activities during class, study finds.