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The Erotics of Professing

Teaching is a form of performance art, contends Bruce Fleming, and those watching us judge us as physical beings.

Challenging Superficial Solutions

The current obsession with predictive analytics avoids tough conversations about poor instruction and outdated pedagogy, writes Dror Ben-Naim.

GradUCon and Beyond

Institutions want to help their graduate students find meaningful work. Here's how the University of Chicago is doing it.

A 4-Step Program for Cellphone-Dependent Students

How can you get students to put down their cellphones and engage in class? Dwight DeWerth-Pallmeyer offers some suggestions for helping them give up their addiction.

Cut to the Core

University that locked out its faculty in the fall is now telling professors they must shrink the core curriculum within a year and make do without majors such as philosophy and math.

Democratizing the Great Books

At a time when many of the values that underpin our democracy are under threat, educators of whatever political disposition should introduce students to the history of ideas that have shaped our contemporary world, write Casey N. Blake, Roosevelt Montás and Tamara Mann Tweel.

Critical Thinking 1, Opinions 0

Appeals court sides with U of New Mexico in case of student who said she was booted from a class for critiquing lesbianism. Judges say professors have right to make decisions about what kind of speech is appropriate for academic setting.

Data Science Disconnect

Employers are struggling to hire workers who understand data science, and report says the growing challenge requires fixes by both higher education and businesses.